Ramalan BINTANG 26 July 2009
If there is a help, not rejected and do not prestige. All of that is good, we do not know God's plan. Sow good will grow well, to plant fruit akan ugliness ugly. Karma law is still valid, sembahyanglah. Sufficient demand will bring the family fortune and blessings.
Asmara: Who would love two? Do not sakiti heart. Select one.
The more prosperous and much sympathy. Smoothly so that provision can have savings for old age. You do not weary toil unavailing because this week in which produce satisfactory results. Laksanakanlah syukuran through selametan. Families should remember, bitter experience should not recur again.
Asmara: Trauma is difficult eliminated. Therefore be careful, do not be serious.
Emerging sense of saturated and lazy, so there is no improvement. Should be busy looking for another positive, so that does not terjerat law. Also do not be a speculation, can be many losers. Try to open to the family dicarikan that the best solution.
Asmara: Keep your greeting, be painful to his heart. Once, akan dikenang for life.
Contriteness always come back. Therefore, do not easily underestimate or something frivolous. Tasks or important matters should not be trusted as such. The economy must be discipline, use the correct management. Similarly, the needs of the family, financial need actually savings.
Asmara: Do not be selfish, like the emotions, and win your own. Listen to what is desired.
Although there are dark clouds, you do not pessimistic, for the journey of life is still uphill. Provide an umbrella before it rains, prepare mentally before a problem or natural. Prayer should not be overlooked, if the need to do fast on Thursday and Monday. Family must stay united and harmonious.
Asmara: There will be news that is warming the ear. You both need to be patient and do not misunderstand.
The situation is still concerned, do not speculate and always be careful. All matters, especially promises, there must be hands on the seal, so that does not play or dibohongi flip. This week will have people jealous, can use other people. Families must also be vigilant, with whom to meet, do not easily believe.
Asmara: Somewhat disappointed, but not to act reckless. This ulah a friend irihati.
This week there is a ray of light to bring luck and smooth your plan. Therefore, bersemangatlah. Tanamkan honesty and trustworthy, so that put a lot of sympathy. Family support also, can travel far.
Asmara: No obstacles alias okay. Continue to advance, invent the approach.
Issues that are still in berimbas this week, should be managed with a hearty to complete. Beranilah and firmly, to determine the purpose of free and independent learning. Although fortunately but little fun. The atmosphere of the family also quiet, provision certainly come.
Asmara: It must be mutual trust so easily moved, for the purpose or goal the next.
Time to rest or sleep should be balanced with the activities of the heap, do not work overtime. When someone can dimintai please, Invite your work, to finish quickly and not much mind. The atmosphere of the family are knotted, the problem should not be made small big.
Asmara: Actually, the occurrence of the usual squabbling. You do not make your own.
aspadalah when there is praise, because sometimes upon. Thus it is a slate that can generate enthusiasm in achieving success. Perjuangkan what is already running and be addressed one by one. Families also do not add a burden to the main try-try. Asmara: Avoid drugs or drugs that result in a false love.
If you are not clever-clever bring themselves, akan berdagangan in free float, the association is less well terkuras and wealth you. So, weary toil for you can be lost overnight. Advice or warning the family and the people who unfortunately still have to begin immediately.
Asmara: The course you are disalahkan, accept with a spacious chest and smiled.
Superior position accompanied a brilliant achievement, suddenly akan ganjalan get from the old. You must be quiet and do not be emotional ditanggapi. Keep walking on the rail that has been determined and diligent prayer. Families also do not reckless and do not increase the turbidity atmosphere.
Asmara: What are you? Love like that (sorry) windiness - can hold stomachache, issued also make a noise.
Yang dicari mudah didapat, kesulitan akan segera beres. Semua itu berkat datangnya Dewa penolong. Jangan gengsi dan jangan ditolak. Mintalah doa restu orang tua agar bisa berjalan lancer apa yang sedang Anda perjuangkan. Keluarga masih membutuhkan anda, perlu diperhatikan dan dipenuhi kebutuhannya.
Asmara :
Tanamkan saling percaya dan tunjukkan kesetiaan.
Buatlah gebrakan baru, cari terobosan di luar tugas pokok. Minggu ini bersinar bintang terang¸ harus bias dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin. Anda mesti rajin, penuh semangat, berpenampilan meyakinkan, agar dipercaya dalam kerjasama. Kalau ada masalah dan rencana, hendaknya dimusyawarahkan dengan keluarga.
Asmara :
Yang sudah terjadi biarlah berlalu, tak usah diungkit-ungkit kembali.
Situasi dan kondisi masih stabil. Kesibukan makin bertambah. Adakan pembagian waktu dan tugas agar tidak terbengkalai dan makan pikiran. Tanggung jawab harus ditegakkan. Disiplin dan pandai-pandailah mengatur keluar masuknya keuangan. Keluarga masih harap sabar sejenak, jangan terburu-buru nafsu.
Asmara :
Dunia tidak selebar daun kelor. Patah satu tumbuh seribu.
Minggu ini masih ada rezeki tetapi tidak sebesar yang diharapkan. Jangan pesimis. Asal mau terus berjuang, berkarya dan bersemangat, pasti ada buahnya. Jangan malas, putus asa dan lari ke mabuk-mabukan. Hindari perselisihan dengan keluarga, selesaikan secara dewasa, tentram dan damai.
Asmara :
Jangan suka memaksakan diri dan membatasi gerak si dia.
Rencana untuk menuju sukses atau kenaikan pangkat, bisa dilanjutkan. Hubungi instansi terkait dan siapkan persyaratannya. Maka langkah ke depan akan aman dan berjalan mulus. Ikutilah pepatah, berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian. Keluarga pun malah senang bisa menambah pengalaman.
Asmara :
Masalah dan rintangan masih bisa dihadapi bersama. Jangan sombong.
Kuatkan mental dan pendirian, jangan bimbang dan ragu dan jangan mengubah rencana. Tingkatkan kewaspadaan dan selalu hati-hati dalam pergaulan dan memberi keputusan. Kalau sampai gegabah, akan banyak mengalami musibah. Keluarga yang tidak tahu apa-apa, ikut terkena dampaknya.
Asmara :
Hidup tanpa cinta terasa hampa. Namun, jangan ngawur dalam memilih jodoh.
Perjalann nasib banyak rintangan, jangan diterjang begitu saja. Harap tenang, sabar dan jerumus atau kena tipu. Kuatkan percaya diri atas kemampuan Anda, yang penting selamat, rencana jalan terus. Keluarga jangan percaya omongan orang lain yang tiada bukti faktanya.
Asmara :
Demi cinta yang sudah lama terjalin, Anda harus mau mengalah.
Sebaiknya minggu ini tidak main spekulasi, bertahanlah apa yang anda miliki. Tetap tekun dan rajin sembahyang, mohon petunjuk dan perlindungan. Simpan dulu maksud hati ngin memeluk gunung, sebab tangan tak akan sampai. Banyak kekecewaan dalam keluarga, harap sabar dan jangan emosional.
Asmara :
Kalau anda berterus terang akan terjadi perang. Pandai-pandailah bermain sandiwara.
Roda selalu berputar, musim pasti berganti. Perekonomian minggu ini tidak stabil, Anda harus bisa mengantisipasi. Mana yang menguntungkan dimanfaatkan dan mana yang merugikan dihindari. Begitu pula dalam pergaulan, dalamnya laut bisa diduga, tetapi dalam hati orang siapa tahun. Masalah keluarga harus cepat dituntaskan, agar bisa konsentrasi.
Asmara :
Intropeksi diri sangat diperlukan, agar tidak egois dan mudah emosional.
Nasib baik belum berpihak kepada anda. Oleh sebab itu, jangan menggebu-gebu dalam mengejar ketenaran maupun keberhasilan. Rezeki seret sehingga masalah keuangan sering membuat ribet. Hati-hati dalam hal pinjam meminjam, jangan sampai masuk lingkaran setan. Begitu pula keluarga jangan cari gara-gara.
Asmara :
Jangan berlayar sendiri, mintalah pendapat orang tua-tua.
Bintang anda berlambang ceria, satu persatu hambatan menyingkir, kesulitan bisa teratasi. Tiba saatnya untuk mengejar ketinggalan. Bersemangatlah dan selalu optimis. Maju terus pantang mundur sebelum berhasil. Keluarga perlu diberi kesempatan untuk mengajukan usul, demi kebaikan.
Asmara :
Pengalaman pahit jadikan guru yang berharga. Hati-hatilah memilih teman.
Sampailah anda pada puncak kejayaan, musim panen telah tiba. Jangan lupa bersyukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Lakukan balas budi menolong teman yang kesusahan. Jangan sombong dan lupa diri asal muasalnya. Keluarga. Boleh bergembira tapi jangan dimanja. Ajaklah rekreasi.
Asmara :
Kini saatnya untuk mendekati orangtua, minta persetujuan.
Restaurant looking for waitress / waiters / bartender / cook / pastry chef. Experience and reference required. Must speak fluent English and be outgoing. Please bring resume with recent picture at 21 Jalan Petitenget, Kerobokan. Gary-081353381270 (update June 20, 2009)
SR. Housekeeping for popular rental Villa in Canggu, female only! Req. min. 3-5 yrs HK experience in villa/ hotel, willing to live-in or move very close to the villa. Very good English CV to: ai@baliluxuryvillas.com or Fax: 752744. (update June 20, 2009).
PT. Karya Ametta Bth, Sales Cartridge Printer, min D1 Komp. Pny. Motor, max 27th, lamaran ditujukan ke PT. Ekadarma Int. Tbk, Ruko Dewata Square No. B1 Jl. Letda Tantular. No. 1 Renon Bali (Blk. Mama Leon). (update June 20, 2009).
Accounting + sales all levels PHP Dev., production Mgr Garment Butler, GRO, Rest Supv., Head Chef many more online + email alert : www.concordservice-bali.com (update June 20, 2009).
*** Kapal Pesiar*** Require Astor Cruise lines all post: Cook, F&B, HK, ex cruise ship. Please come in person to LP2B Jl. Kebo Iwa 21 Gianyar Bali 0361 2087500. (update June 20, 2009 )
A private villa located in Jimbaran looking for Telephone Operator & Waiter / Waitress, good command in English, good looking, min 1 year exp. In same position. Send app & CV fax to 0361 705101. (update June 20, 2009).
Accor Vacation Club seeks Temporary Desk Collection. Motivated energetic, very good communication in Bahasa and English, having 2 years experience in the same position. We will offer very good compensation. Please send your CV and Photo to : employementasia@accorvacationclubaasia.com (update June 20, 2009).
Architect for fast growing practice. (www.stuartmemberyhome.com) the successful candidate will have excellent AutoCad&sketch-upskills. Min. 3 years experience in architectural office. English written and spoken only need apply. Good salary package CV and samples in confidence to: smhmanager@gmaiul.com (1 MB minimum). (update, June 20, 2009).
Boutique Villas looking for: Duty Manager (M/F, min. 2 years exp. In the same position/industry), Front office-female (fluent English written and oral), Driver (good English) exp. In the same position in hotels/villas industry, should be able to Join immediately. Send your CV & application to : gmreport@rk-companies.com (update, June 20, 2009).
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sumber : Karir AD Bali Post
Self motivated sales executive required, experience in Baja Ringan truss / Construction an advantage. Will suit energetic & creative person who needs challenging position with excellent reward. Send CV to : truss@indohomes.com (update June 19th, 2009 )
Kapal Pesiar MSC Ship. Req: cook all position, Bellboy, Asst House keeper, Laundry, IT, Taylor, Shop keeper, store keeper. Upholster DI Htl., very good English, exp. Send CV to: info@baliparadisecrews.com or Jl. P. Ayu XIII No. 3 Dps Ph. 238513 (update June 19th, 2009 )
WOM Finance **** butuh Dealer Relation staf penampilan menarik max 25 th Min D3 Lmrn: Rukan Duta Wijaya 2-3 Jl. Raya Puputan Renon, Denpasar. (update June 19th, 2009 )
*** Kapal Pesiar*** Require Astor Cruise lines all post: Cook, F&B, HK, ex cruise ship. Please come in person to LP2B Jl. Kebo Iwa 21 Gianyar Bali 0361 2087500. (update June 19th, 2009 )
A holiday company in Kuta is looking fort a driver. Able to speak English. Pls submit CV to regent Jl. Kediri No. 36A Tuban Bali (rear area of Pepito Spmrk) Friday, 20/06/09 13.00-16.00. (update June 19th, 2009 )
Urgently required: Security, Cook, House keeper, waitress, Cook helper Jl. By Pass 524 Sanur Bali Hp. 081338086990. (update June 19th, 2009 )
Dicari STM Bangunan, Arsitek PT. AJB Jl. Cokroaminoto No. 362 T. 0361 8077890. (update June 19th, 2009 )
Dicari Security Staf pria punyai ijasah Dikdas, max 30 th. Hub: Bali Desa Suites Blok T Kws Wisata Nusa Dua Tlp. 0361 772688 fax. 0361 772678. (update June 19th, 2009).
Dibutuhkan 50 tenaga kerja u/diberangkatkan segera ke New Zealand, Hub. Elizabeth International Sgr Hub. 08123893733 / 9120262 / 08155785622. (update June 19th, 2009).
PT. Adira Finance, butuh CMO, adm, Coll min D3/S1 usia 27th, Lam. Langsung ke Jl. Letda Tantular No. 1 Denpasar Bali. (update June 19th, 2009).
Sumber data : Karir AD Bali Post
An inter Rest at Nusa 2 req: 1. Supervispr Rest. 2. CDP THP + 2,5 jt min D3. Gppd Experience at similar position max 28yo. Rest Manager THP + 3,5 jt Min D3 Good experience at similar position max. 30yo. Please send to: PO BPX 71 Nusa Dua or sukiada@tropicalbalirestaurant.com., no later than 1 week. (update June 18th, 2009)
IMA Bali menerima lulusan perguruan tinggi negeri / swasta (FMIPA/FP MIPA) u/ ditraining menjadi staf 1. Pengajar Mental Aritmatika (full time) 2. Tenaga Administrasi. Surat lamaran dibawa langsung pada hari dan jam kerja ke Jl. Tukad Musi II/1 Renon, Denpasar. (update June 18th, 2009)
( Sumber : Karier AD Bali Post )
Kapal pesiar Star Cruise needs, bartender & cook, min 18 yo. Bring CV to. PT. BDM @ Kampus SPB 426835 ( update 16/6/09)
Kapal Pesiar Quail cruises need 200 good English crew with position Bar waitress, Cabin stewardess, waiter, assistant waiter, bartender, interview with principal in August cont. Piramid Mengwi Badung Ph. 830077, 8626723 ( update 16/6/09)
An inter Rest at Nusa 2 req: 1. Supervispr Rest. 2. CDP THP + 2,5 jt min D3. Gppd Experience at similar position max 28yo. Rest Manager THP + 3,5 jt Min D3 Good experience at similar position max. 30yo. Please send to: PO BPX 71 Nusa Dua or sukiada@tropicalbalirestaurant.com., no later than 1 week. ( update 16/6/09)
Dicari Karyawati partime bisa Bahasa Jepang. Lamaran bawa ke Taekonoko Kuta Telp.7808094 ( update 16/6/09)
Dicari Cook berpengalaman usia max 30, Cook helper bias memanggang, waiter fasih berbahasa Inggris, gesit, berpengalaman. Interview langsung di Yulia Beach Inn, Jl. Pantai Kuta mulai Pk. 10.00 ( update 16/6/09)
Dicari part/fulltime content editor, good written English, internet browsing. E-mail: ricky@babonmultimedia.com / 7426608 ( update 16/6/09)
Dicari webmaster, html, flash, javascript. Php, mysql, Photoshop. CV + portofolio: hendri@baliportperty.com ( update 16/6/09)
WestComp. Looking for female jewelery designer. Must good English, good hand drawing, Corel Draw& photoshop, also looking for book keeper. Must good English, accounting and tax, able to use Ms. Office, MYOB & Quick Book in excellent in math. Contact Yanti 274542, or send CV to starborn@dps.centrin.net.id ( update 16/6/09)
(sumber : Karier AD Bali Post )